NEW SMILE – ištikimas Jūsų pagalbininkas,
siekiant sveikos ir gražios šypsenos.
X-ray examination
The radiographic examination of the clinic is performed by radiography. This test is done when you need to determine the teeth, tooth roots,
Šaknų kanalų
Root canal treatment is necessary if the pulp (pulp - tooth component, small
Root canal healing
It is common in daily dentist practice for patients to undergo tooth root canal healing
Dental treatment stops the spread of caries. Timely dental treatment prevents the spread of microorganisms in the pulp and ......
Aesthetic restoration of teeth
Aesthetic restoration is a minimally invasive method of tooth restoration. Aesthetic sealing ......
Dantų traumų
Please note that in case of dental injuries the doctors' instructions must be followed responsibly .......
Children's teeth
All parents want their children to have healthy and beautiful teeth. But often for dental care …….
Early age method, myotherapy, simple exercises, orthodontic ........
Oral surgery - a specialized branch of dentistry that involves oral cavity .......
Oral health is an integral part of human health. Is it really possible to implant happiness? .........
Treatment of periodontal disease
Periodontitis is a disease that affects not only the gums but also the other teeth ......
A full crown is a non-removable prosthesis that restores disintegrated ........
Prosthetics on implants
Non-removable dentures on implants: for single tooth or tooth line defects and tooth decay .......
Treatment of functional chewing disorders
Tooth occlusion (occlusion) is the contact of teeth when two ..........
Professional oral hygiene and prophylaxis
It is a procedure during which, in the oral hygienist's office ......
Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure .......

About us
Why choose NEW SMILE?
Experienced and benevolent professionals.
Every patient is unique, so experienced dentists, who love their work, tailor each treatment to their needs. .
Modern Medical Equipment .
Our priority and pride. This is an area where we do not make compromises. Because state-of-the-art technology is a guarantee that your treatment will be safe and effective.
Friendly team and gracious service.
We have created a clinic that we would be happy to put our smiles on. Exceptional attention for clients of all ages is the guiding principle of our work.
Attractive prices.
Professional dentist services are not a luxury but a necessity. Our modern technologies allow us to ensure a very attractive price / quality ratio.
Price list
The prices of the services are set individually for the patient, depending on the condition of his or her mouth and teeth, based on the approved price list. The clinic has a prosthetic services contract with Vilnius Territorial Patients' Fund and major health insurance companies. If necessary, we issue an invoice. We do not issue invoices retroactively, please request an invoice on the day of service
Partners of the insurance company